
2020年12月31日—Ex-employeestoldTheInformationthatApplekeptworkingwithsuppliers,despiterepeatedlaborlawviolations,whencuttingtieswasmore ...,Indeed,Applesoutsourcedfactorieshavebeenaccusedofengaginginsweatshopoperationswhereemployeesoftenworkunderexcessivelonghoursorovertime,sub ...,2023年2月4日—Pros:CostSavings:OutsourcingcanleadtocostsavingsforAppleasthecompanycanaccesslowerlaborcostsinotherc...

Apple Knowingly Relied on Child Labor for 3 Years to Cut ...

2020年12月31日 — Ex-employees told The Information that Apple kept working with suppliers, despite repeated labor law violations, when cutting ties was more ...

Apple Inc.'s Offshore Management and Labor Rights

Indeed, Apples outsourced factories have been accused of engaging in sweatshop operations where employees often work under excessive long hours or overtime, sub ...

What are the pros and cons of Apple outsourcing?

2023年2月4日 — Pros: Cost Savings: Outsourcing can lead to cost savings for Apple as the company can access lower labor costs in other countries.

Problems With Outsourcing

Apple, in its quest for cost efficiency, may not have adequately scrutinized the conditions in its outsourcing partner's factories, which led to reputational ...

Apple's Reliance On China Poses A Problem For The ...

2023年1月19日 — In their Annual Report, Apple admits that “business can be impacted by political events, trade and other international disputes” and that “the ...

Apple and Foxconn

2022年2月28日 — The problems at Foxconn seem to be far more extensive than poor management. For example, research shows human rights, environmental and ethical ...

Apple accused of worker violations in Chinese factories

2019年9月9日 — The report alleged that Apple's manufacturer, Foxconn, uses outsourcing firms, known as “dispatch companies,” to meet seasonal fluctuations in ...

Outsourcing Don'ts Learned From Apple

2012年1月19日 — Apple's experiences and actions also show that outsourcing is a more complicated and potentially expensive issue than many companies think.

Apple's Exodus From Outsourcing Continues With Plans to ...

2023年1月11日 — Over the past few years, Apple has continually made headlines for reducing its reliance on outsourced components.

Apple's Troubled Outsourced Manufacturing Plants

2011年2月15日 — Apple's supplier report card uncovered toxins, underage workers and suicides in some overseas factories. Is it time for Apple--and all ...